Saturday, May 29, 2010

Almost perfect: Sharks get mini Ciernik Bartek

Cologne - What is the face of the Cologne Sharks in the new season? After devoting ten investors were found, Managing Director Thomas gauge has predictability.
And there are prompt to report the first newcomer. By league rival comes forward chasuble Martin Bartek. This season the 28-year-old Slovak has 25 goals already achieved, is thus at the third position of the scorers list.
But while it remains, Bartek has broken a few days the hand. If he is fit again, he will shoot for Cologne on the assembly line.
KEC Manager Rodion Pauels: "Bartek is a mini-Ciernik. He really looks like our former scorer Ivan Ciernik. With him, we pick the player who can make the season on 20 goals. Next week we want to lash down everything."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ensminger to fit Dragon Cave

Bonn -
The Telekom Baskets Bonn is at this weekend a trip to the dragon cave.
The runner-up performs on Sunday (throw-off: 17 clock) as part of the 19th Matchday of the basketball league at the Artland Dragons Quakenbrück.
its accompanying again center Chris Ensminger (36). The veteran has survived a flu infection, and climbed back into the training on Thursday.
"Chris has lost three to four kilos, but I think it will last for a few minutes with him", Baskets coach Mike Cook said before the descent into the Artland. Not operational, however, the other center, John Bowler (24).
However: His hamstring has recovered from slow bowler to begin on Monday with the running and the team is also training to be there. "But for the game on Sunday there is no chance for him," said Koch.
When opponents Koch has accounted for a player who is off it. "It's up player Ronald Ross. In him we have to put the emphasis. He distributed the ball to the other players and is also the top scorer in Quakenbrück, "says the Bonn head coach.
Ross is on Sunday but got no Sonderbewacher. Koch: "Since we dagegenstellen us collectively. First, players must build our Jared Jordan and John Strasser disrupt the actions of Ross early, but also Artur Kolodziejski, Alex King and Ronald Dupree are important because of its size for the job. "
On this Saturday is still a training session in Bonn before the journey starts after Quakenbrück. "We are on the safe side and can handle even the odd traffic jam," Koch has largely provided the onset of winter.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cologne health insurance requires additional contributions

Cologne - an astronomical sum: € 14 million paid by the insurance GBK Cologne in 2005 and 2006 cost for the treatment of two hemophilia patients - only a syringe, according to the fund up to 27,000 Euro!
Statutory funds must also include these patients. But the building costs (30,000 members) was almost bankrupt, and now additional contributions raised by its members.
 In fact, the most expensive hemophiliacs permanent strains in the health system, "said SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach. "Especially the little cash can hardly afford the cost of treatment."
 The GBK obviously had special "pitch": The two cases of hemophilia, a boy (6) and a 26-year-old, were extremely expensive. "In 2005 we paid only for the man 10 million euros for the drugs," said board member Helmut Wasserfuhr GBK.
Damn lot of money - a legacy of blood action is really so expensive? "Come on it, it's how difficult the disease is and whether there will be complications," said Dr. Johannes Oldenburg, director of the hemophilia clinic at the University of Bonn.
Hemophilia clotting factors get injected - that normally would cost 100000-200000 € per year. "There are patients who are allergic to contrast. There are only two medications that can help them - and they are extremely expensive, "says Oldenburg. Up to 14,000 € per day, often for several weeks.
Enormous cost - but just 10 million? Werner Kalnins, the chairman of the German Hemophilia Society does that prick up their ears: "I have seen individual cases of 3, maybe 4 million euros in well known, but no more. And of syringes, which cost € 27,000 per unit, I have never heard. "
The GBK had to make debts. To pay off her, the members pay from 20 September eight euros more. The 26-year-old patient in the meantime the engineers health insurance.
"Additional contributions will not be with us," said spokeswoman Andrea Breuer for small EXPRESS. "With more than 5 million paying members, the solidarity absorb these costs differently."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fortuna badly presented

Potsdam - Just in time with the final whistle the home side raced gleefully Dorthe age-old hits "If only you were in Dusseldorf been" through the speakers. Previously, Babelsberg's fans had also already made funny: "Except here Fortuna wins each sow!" The Fall of the league just does not crash, they rendered a megablamables 0:3!
Wolf Werner brought it to his wayward completely debut as coach in a nutshell: "A disaster!"
A half-long, it was great to host not harmless, but at least Fortuna had everything under control and any significant offensive operations on their side. After the change got the game in which would be in there with a win the championship lead was, for the demonstration in the film city. Only Fortuna begging for the 1-0 to lose then any order and collect the worst debacle in almost a year (in Ahlen 1:4) to.
"In Babelsberg has been seen in any single player that he wanted to win. This passion has not been seen at all with us, "blustered Werner. "We still lack the same as before. We do not have the aggressiveness, bring the ball over the line to want to. "
After the drama was over, afraid to just a handful of players to the fans, who seemed like the wrong film. Robert Palikuca, after he had made 15 minutes long on the fence: "I can understand that they have expected after the 3-2 against Cologne and many are disappointed now."
What else? As Fortune puts down a dream start and now has fewer points than after 17 games the previous season. Since probably only helps gallows humor. Werner: "Chenchik Cajkovski said after a 1:8 time with Cologne in Scotland:" Hopefully the plane crashes! "So far I am not yet ..."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yalcin sleepless after the starting lineup debut

Cologne - Laughing, the two walked towards youngsters cabin tract. FC-professional Kevin Pezzoni (19) took his buddy Taner Yalcin (18) warm in the arm, congratulated him on his starting lineup debut.
Yalcin eyes sparkled when he looks back still: "It was an amazing feeling to enter before 50,000 spectators in our stadium. I was very excited. Before that, anyway. But Saturday night. I am quite an early night - and could not sleep half the night because I was still very upset. "
Again and again went to him the scenes of the game against Wolfsburg through my head. The strong start. His great edge on Fabrice Ehret, which had almost led to 2:0. "Admit it: You wanted to shoot on goal," jokes Mr Pezzoni. "Nonsense," laughs Yalcin.
Then he thinks about the chance of Ishiaku. "I ran to the right, left Ehret came. But it has mana-made - and remained hanging in the sand, "said Yalcin, who also used illicit means time to gain the enemy's respect. His boarding against Christian Gentner's 62nd However minute, was punished with yellow cards.
Despite the warning, the Cologne-grown afterward received special commendation from coach Christoph Daum. "He brings many qualities, has done a good job. A compliment to our young players. "
Yalcin happy. "It inspires me to make things even more. It was so great! Now I will this week step on the gas type in the pub - after all, I want on Saturday in Frankfurt back on the field. "