Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yalcin sleepless after the starting lineup debut

Cologne - Laughing, the two walked towards youngsters cabin tract. FC-professional Kevin Pezzoni (19) took his buddy Taner Yalcin (18) warm in the arm, congratulated him on his starting lineup debut.
Yalcin eyes sparkled when he looks back still: "It was an amazing feeling to enter before 50,000 spectators in our stadium. I was very excited. Before that, anyway. But Saturday night. I am quite an early night - and could not sleep half the night because I was still very upset. "
Again and again went to him the scenes of the game against Wolfsburg through my head. The strong start. His great edge on Fabrice Ehret, which had almost led to 2:0. "Admit it: You wanted to shoot on goal," jokes Mr Pezzoni. "Nonsense," laughs Yalcin.
Then he thinks about the chance of Ishiaku. "I ran to the right, left Ehret came. But it has mana-made - and remained hanging in the sand, "said Yalcin, who also used illicit means time to gain the enemy's respect. His boarding against Christian Gentner's 62nd However minute, was punished with yellow cards.
Despite the warning, the Cologne-grown afterward received special commendation from coach Christoph Daum. "He brings many qualities, has done a good job. A compliment to our young players. "
Yalcin happy. "It inspires me to make things even more. It was so great! Now I will this week step on the gas type in the pub - after all, I want on Saturday in Frankfurt back on the field. "