Friday, April 23, 2010

Cologne has too much money, Mr. Quander?

Cologne - The Peel Sick, home of the "uncivilized barbarians." That was in the early Middle Ages, so - and so it is probably councilors responsible for culture in Cologne today: Prof. Georg Quander absolutely do not want to lead his team to Deutz. Although the city this could save 460,000 € Rent!
At approximately 1700 square meters of Culture Department, Cultural and Museum Service in the Richartzstraße 2-4 are located. Annual rent: 460.000 €.
The expensive offices in the Nobel mile is the Lord Mayor had long been a thorn in the flesh: even in times of cultural alderman Marie Hüllenkremer OB Fritz Schramma called to find a cheaper alternative.
She'd be there now: The townhouse will be the 28th Deutz February offices free. Square meter in 1720 would be almost nothing. "We have rented the entire building and pay for the empty offices, including ancillary costs 570.000 € annually," said press chief officer Gregory Timmer. "Taking the culture as a department, we could save 460,000 € Rent for the Richartzstraße."
"The money is a strong argument," admits Prof. Quander. But: He and his colleagues do not want to "uncivilized" side of the Rhine. "We have a lot to do in the downtown area. Here are the museums and the artists - and we must be reachable at all for them. The Deutz townhouse is so warped - as it is not easy to find someone! "
Dr. Lothar Theodor Lemper, cultural policy spokesman of the CDU can not follow the reasoning: "If I walk into the culture department, because I have never seen an artist."
He's annoyed about the waste of money: "If we were only saved half of the rent to the free theater, which would be much help!"
Even Fritz Schramma OB is pushing for the move: "Following the Kienbaum report, the city must optimize the use of space. I will ensure that there is the move! "